Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spider Lilies

Spider lilies just make me happy when I see them. They remind me of days at my Nini's when I was little. Every year around this time they would bloom on a little hill in her yard. She would take us over to see them and we would play and play with them.

We turned them upside down and made them "crawl" around like spiders.

I called my Nini the other day to tell her that I had been seeing some spider lilies around. To my surprise she said "You know me and Joel planted those when he was little."

Joel is my cousin that passed away last December in a tragic accident.

Every time I see those flowers I get a special feeling and lots of memories of Nini's house come swarming to my mind. What I didn't know is that they are way more special than I ever thought. Although we may not have Joel here with us any more, we still have this beautiful flower he planted that graces us with its presence every year around this time.


  1. Gent Bug,
    I love your spider lilly memories.
    Brings a tear to my eye.
    Hugs and Kisses, Mom
    p.s. miss u

  2. I love these flowers, too- we call them "surprise lilies." And I've never heard of anyone actually planting them. I thought they were always just wild.
    What a sweet extra memory you have of these now. I want to BE Nini :)
